Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Solar powered lawn mower?

I've been thinking a lot lately about the environment and ways to improve it or at least slow down how much damage is being done to it. It got me thinking about lawn mowers. Back in the day, they had the push ones. Then the gas powered ones. Now electric ones. The push ones are the most environmentally friendly, however, if you've ever used one, you'll know they are very time consuming and ultimately not very effective.
The gas powered ones - little pollutants. It's nice to know you don't see many of them in stores anymore. The electric ones - more environmentally friendly, but still use electricity, which we should aim to conserve.
Why then, when I go to my local hardware store, don't I see solar powered lawn mowers? Solar power has come a long way, and to power something so small, I think it would be perfect! And when do you usually mow your lawn? Well not on a rainy day, but a sunny day of course! So you can be charging and powering it all while you mow....and...they would be cordless! Fabulous!
I'm sure there are solar powered mowers out there somewhere, and it would be nice to see them replace the now-popular electric ones in stores.

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