Saturday, May 26, 2007

Never stopped playing musical chairs

It seems our generation never stopped playing the childhood party game of musical chairs – except its not quite chairs this time – its jobs.
I look at myself, my husband, siblings, and all of our friends. We all tend to change jobs every few years – sometimes keeping with the same line of work, sometimes not.
This is a marked contrast to our parents and grandparents, a lot of whom would stick with the same company until it closed or they retired.
Musical jobs. Reflects the times for sure. It can be interpreted in a few different ways though. Are things this way because the economy is better – we have more selection? Or is the economy worse in that job satisfaction is difficult to find, which accounts for the frequent vocational venue changes? Or does it reflect on us instead of the economy? Are we the less focused, less loyal generation, changing our jobs like we change our socks – at the slightest stench? Are we ADD, getting bored too easily with one company, itching to move?
Definitely something to ponder!

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