Thursday, May 31, 2007

Should we fear a pandemic?

When SARS hit close to home, it showed how unprepared the system was for foreign illness. Then when avian flu was discovered, with no means of effectively treating it, people started talking pandemic. Apparently pandemics occur approximately every 25 years, and our last one occurred 34 years ago. So it looks like it could happen anytime if history is a reliable predictor. Scary.
Some shrug off the notion, thinking if an illness hits in one area of the world, the threat to the rest would be minimal. Think again. With frequent travel by plane, train and automobile, things can easily get out of hand and quickly.
Perfect example is the guy who has a serious and treatment resistant form of TB. He boarded a plane from Atlanta to Paris even after being advised not to travel because of his TB. With a selfish disregard for the potential that he could spread his TB to others, he traveled anyway, no-one to stop him. I have a few choice words for people like that, but I will refrain. Anyway, it gets better. Once in Europe, he was put on a no-fly list and told to seriously check into a hospital there. TB IS contagious, you see. And the kind he has is fatal in more than 50% of cases. What does this guy do? Well, first he takes 7 flights within Europe. Then he avoids the no-fly list after officials had tracked him down, and manages to board a flight from Czech to Montreal, then drives from Montreal back to Atlanta (where he should have STAYED IN THE FIRST PLACE). So now, this guy has exposed numerous countries and countless innocent people to his disease. How could this be allowed to happen? How could this guy not be charged with anything? Like hmm...reckless behavior, and if anyone does get infected, how about charging him with assault or even attempted murder?
I've strayed a bit from my pandemic topic but my whole point is to illustrate how quickly a disease could spread worldwide. Especially with idiotic selfish people who have no regard for the well-being of others, and a system that fails miserably at preventing the wrong people from traveling.
So should we be worried about a pandemic?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*cough cough*
